The pain is described as itching, burning or tingling sensation and rarely spreads to parts outside of the zone of the pudendal nerve. Its is very rare for the pain to spread to other parts like the lower back or abdomen. In men the pain is localized in the penis and scrotum, not usually affecting the testes. In women the pain is localized in the clitoris, labia major, labia minor, vagina and vulva. The symptoms get worse while sitting and they tend to get better when a person is lying down or standing. The pain from pudendal neuralgia is described as itching, burning and tingling sensation in the genital area affecting both men and women.
The nerves in the human body are stretchy and supple. It is a condition that occurs when the pudendal nerve is exposed to trauma or is compressed by big pelvic floor muscles and tight ligaments. It leads to pain in the genital area like the clitoris and vulva in women and penis and scrotum in men. The pudendal nerve runs from the lower back, along the pelvic floor out to the perineum. Pudendal neuralgia is a condition that affects both men and women and concerns chronic pain in the pudendal nerve.